While writing about travel from a deeper perspective is my primary passion, occasionally other things garner my attention. This is where you’ll find those. They are still travel related, but not quite as blog-ish as my main articles.

Travel-Themed Date Nights

Sometimes travel is impossible, for budgetary reasons, lack of time, or because Covid has invaded our lives. So why don’t you take that special someone, and click here for some themed date night ideas featuring food and culture from different countries!

Alfajores, cookies with homemade dulce de leche, dessert from Argentine date night.

Travel-Themed Family Nights

Like the date nights, but fun for the whole family. Enjoy!!

Short Stories

Join me for the chronicles of Nathan Shapiro, a travel blogger who also moonlights as a sort of Indiana Jones type dude. These are half travel blog, half adventure/mystery, and a TON of fun!

The Ring of Marseille

Nathan travels to southern France to try to find Napoleon’s lost signet ring.

Chapter One; Chapter Two; Chapter Three; Chapter Four; Chapter Five; Chapter Six

The Lost Palace of Guatemala

Coming soon (I hope)