A Day at Iguazu Falls

Apparently, upon seeing Iguazu Falls for the first time, Eleanor Roosevelt exclaimed, “Poor Niagara!” This place has been on my bucket list for as long as I’ve had one, so when I planned my month in Buenos Aires, a side trip here to Iguazu was a mandatory component. Well, it didn’t disappoint. Iguazu Falls Logistically,…

White Sands National Park

There is an exhilaration that comes from doing something child-like. That feeling dominates my morning as I slide down sand dunes on a sled that reminds me of a trash can top. Lean forward to start the momentum downward, then lean backward to stay on. Fail, and fall off into the soft sand, spinning onto…

Moab, Utah

Editor’s note: I have been to Moab once, to spend a single day in each of the two local national parks. Sam, however, has spent more time, and has some wonderful recommendations for the area that make sense given his status as a Utah resident. For more of Sam’s amazing writing, click here. I am…