“Call me as soon as you’re back across the border,” said my mother. “Text me every hour,” said my girlfriend. “Just don’t go to Juarez. It’s not safe,” said pretty much everyone I told of my plan to cross the border from El Paso for a day. However, despite all the trepidation from both my loved ones and random strangers, I feel a calling to see Juarez. I can’t effectively write about El Paso without discussing the border, and I can’t write about the border without crossing it. So on a warm May morning, I walk over the bridge, leaving the US behind for the oft-maligned Mexican metropolis of Juarez.

Welcome to Juarez!

As comfortable as I am traveling solo in foreign countries where I don’t speak the language, having only a day to see Juarez – and yes, with the city’s reputation in the back of my mind – I charter Rich Wright of Juarez Walking Tours for a private excursion. He meets me on the American side of the border, and promises to drop me back off on the American side of the border, which makes my mom a bit more at ease. We pay the 50 cent per person bridge toll for pedestrians, and set off across the mighty Rio Grande, which is anything but mighty these days between lack of rain and snow in the Rockies and dams further upriver.

The “mighty” Rio Grande

It was under this bridge that images of the most recent immigration crisis emerged, thousands of refugees from poverty- and war-torn Central American countries waiting for the chance to apply for asylum. Such images are heartbreaking; the response by the American right to them was even more so. Rich and I stop for a moment to talk about the river as the border, the monstrosity that is the new border wall, and the drought conditions, and then cross to the other side. After a very brief search of Rich’s backpack – and no passport check – we are in Mexico, in Ciudad Juarez, the city of Juarez.

Until 1888, Juarez was called El Paso del Norte, the passage to the north. Founded by Friar Garcia de San Francisco in 1659, El Paso del Norte was created as Spanish conquistadors moved north from Mexico into “New” Mexico, ultimately reaching as far as Santa Fe. As in other parts of the Americas, they converted the local populations they found, and built a mission, Guadalupe de los Mansos, on the southern bank of the Rio Grande, around which grew the city. (Modern El Paso, which kept the name of the original city that is now Juarez, joined the party later, and was originally just an extension of a single city on both banks.)

Mission Guadalupe de los Mansos

The mission still stands, and sits at the heart of Juarez, right next to a massive and beautiful cathedral that, while it looks old, was only built in 1941. It is from here that the city spread out, and Rich points out the original city hall, and the oldest bar in the city – one of the first businesses built – where we have one of several drinks we would consume on such a hot day.

The cathedral is stunning!
The inside has some of the most amazing stained glass.

As we walk, Rich delights me with stories of Juarez’ history. Did you know the Mexican Revolution began here? I didn’t, but tales of Pancho Villa, Francisco Madero, and the dictator Porfirio Diaz (for whom a street in El Paso is named, to my chagrin) bring the terrible violence of the period to life. Rich supplements these with photos of the streets we pass as they would have looked during different periods of the city’s storied past.

One stop we make is La Fiesta, a recently restored club that has yet to reopen thanks to Covid. Richly decorated, it is just one of a number of such huge and lavish clubs that once existed all over Juarez. From prohibition through the 1960s, Juarez was similar to Havana: a playground for Americans to escape, to drink, and to experience the high life for a smaller amount of money. These clubs once hosted many of the top American bands and singers, who came here to polish their acts before going on American tours.

La Fiesta. I’d definitely come here for dinner and a show.

Other remnants of this period of immense prosperity remain. The Kentucky Club, just across the border, has a long history catering to American tourists – and makes a great margarita for a fraction of what it would cost in El Paso. However, the days of large numbers of Americans crossing the border seem to be over, at least for now.

A margarita at the Kentucky Club

From 2003 to 2013, Juarez was one of the leading cities in the world in murders. Drug cartels battled for control of the priceless routes from here into the US, and the Great Recession led to the cartels being one of the few sources of well-paying “jobs” for everyday Mexicans trying to feed their families. Today, that violence is much lessened. While in 2010, Juarez saw more than 3,600 murders, 2021 only had 1,400 which, while up from the 2015 low of 311, is still significantly less than the peak. (Much of this can also probably be attributed to the recession features of the current Covid era, and the reopening of the border and corresponding return of many jobs has seen 2022 at a three-year low so far.)

Unfortunately, the period of violence and the inability of that reputation to stop clouding the city has led to much of downtown Juarez – the border area – to be abandoned. Hotels and businesses that catered to Americans are gone, stores have closed, and even the central market is shuttered. And, with cross border traffic not picking back up (Rich tells me that the only Americans who cross the border are those with families still in Mexico, those with business interests here, and the occasional out of town tourist like me), a large percentage of these buildings are simply shells of what were once seemingly beautiful edifices.

The old central market, now abandoned

While a few restaurants and bars right along the border – on Av. Benito Juarez – have been able to survive, just a few blocks away, all that is left is abandoned facades. Many have been covered with murals, but while beautiful, they are not a substitute for the thriving businesses of the past. And while Covid is to blame for some closures, the fact is that many of these buildings have been empty for a decade or more.

Lovely murals on abandoned buildings

We stop for tacos in a tiny restaurant off a busy pedestrian marketplace – locals only, for the most part, although I can easily imagine this being a hub for tourist souvenirs in a slightly different universe – and talk about the future. There is money in Juarez, a lot of money. The suburbs have beautiful gated communities, home to millionaires and billionaires who have made fortunes on everything from cross-border commerce to manufacturing (Juarez is a hub for foreign company factories like Boeing and Bosch.) But without a significant focus on restoration of the border area, it is likely tourism will never return. And while a few local entrepreneurs have done a little, such as the restoration of La Fiesta, there doesn’t seem to be much appetite for trying to rebuild Juarez as a destination for American tourists. It is too bad, because even in a few hours here, I see the potential.

A pedestrian marketplace

Our tour ends with another uneventful border crossing. A five peso coin into a turnstile is all that’s needed on the Mexican side. About six feet across the US border on the bridge we are asked for our passports, just to show we aren’t going to try to seek asylum. (While I’ll be talking more about this in another article specifically on the border, it is disgusting that this takes place, specifically flying in the face of American law, which allows for an asylum request at a port of entry, which this is. However, without an immigration attorney present, it is unlikely anyone would be aware of this, and would be turned away by armed authorities.) We pass a group of people being deported, walking single file with armed escorts. A ten minute wait inside a building to have our passports scanned, and then we are back in the US. I bid farewell to Rich and contemplate what I experienced today.


For starters, I never felt unsafe, not for a single instant. Part of that was due to my amazing guide. Rich knows Juarez, knows a ton of people, and speaks Spanish. Part of it was the ever-present warmth of the Mexican people, something I’ve experienced everywhere I’ve traveled in this incredible country. And part of it was the fact that the violence in Juarez, while present (as violence is present in many major cities in the world), is incredibly overstated, especially during the day in the center of the city.

My second takeaway is that Juarez is a cool place. No, it isn’t full of amazing tourist sites (although a small museum to the actor/singer Tin Tan was pretty cool, along with the cathedral and mission), but it has a character that is unique to this border city. There are lovely pedestrian areas, nice parks, and beautiful street art. Old colonial architecture, good food, and cheap – and strong – drinks round out the experience.

Finally, I reflect that I am welcome here. People smile at me, greet me, shake my hand. And this is in spite of the fact that just a few steps down the road, my country has built a monument – the wall – that sends a strong message that nobody here would be welcome in my home. There is no animosity, no glaring at this gringo who dares flaunt my American-ness in their home. Would we do the same under reverse circumstances? I’d guess not.

El Paso is a cool city. But to truly understand it, to fully grasp what it means to be a border city, you must cross into Juarez, even if only for a few hours on a walking tour with Rich. What you’ll find will surprise you: a city rich in history full of amazing people, and a place that will hopefully return to the prosperity it deserves soon. Visit Juarez. You won’t regret it.

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13 thoughts on “A Day in Juarez from El Paso

    1. I recently visited Juarez not long ago and was amazed at the kindness and hospitality of the people there. Having just recently spent time in New Orleans, Louisiana where violence, homelessness and drug overdoses were the daily norm, Juarez felt like a safe haven in comparison.

      I studied Juarez’s history, especially from 2006 to 2012, and understood the violence that ensued in that time frame. But, in 2012, the violence in Juarez practically stopped, according to my research. And, in my 2022 visit I saw no signs or residual affects of any type of violence in that beautiful city. Even law enforcement personnel were friendly and civil.

      I suppose one has to see things personally to understand reality.

      1. There is still violence in Juarez, but as with you, I didn’t experience any feeling of being unsafe while I was there

  1. I am a engineering professor in El Paso with reasonable Spanish proficiency. This article is accurate and the people of Juárez are the most hospitable in the world. My wife and I cross 4 to 8 times a month and never have problems. Police are professional and everyone is kind. My only addition to this post is that most of the city is not accessible by walking. Some great restaurants require a car to reach and are outstanding. Driving in Juárez isn’t impossible but you can UBER anywhere easily. I drive and have express lane access to return quickly north. Crossing south can be dreadful during rush hour. ¡Amor por Juárez!

  2. I am originally from El Paso, Texas I am now living in Orlando Florida. I miss El Paso so much. People are friendly back there not so much here in Orlando
    Orlando is beautiful, green and lush but I still miss El Paso, New Mexico, and Juarez so very very much. I miss the days of old when you could come and go as you pleased to Juarez. I miss the mercado where you could sit and listen to the Mariachis and see the ladies making tortillas from scratch with their hands. I miss seeing Scenic Drive in El Paso, Transmountain Dr and the star on the mountain. What a beautiful view.

    1. Thank you for sharing your memories with us! I hope you enjoy reading about El Paso and the rest of the world here on The Royal Tour.

  3. Apparently the author did not have the pleasure of being kidnapped by the police and held for ransome as l was. Also he didn’t have the transit police steal his car or intimidate him with arrest to steal his money. One time a man from El Paso told me he knew of the transit police chief talking about targeting Americans and the money extorted was used for buying his multiple homes. Too bad for the author not having to deal with interior immigration officers who will not allow further travel unless you pay a bribe. Other than that one might have a good time Don’t be surprised that those who are “connected” have some kind of tie with crooked / criminal people . Many people travel without problem and many others serious problems while over the border.

    1. You are correct. I didn’t have any of those experiences, and I know others have had some traumatic things happen while in Juarez – or in any number of other places in the world. All I can do is write about my own experience, which was entirely positive.

  4. I lived in El Paso from 1973 to 1981. My husband was training at Beaumont Army Hospital. I absolutely loved my years in El Pas. Going to Juárez offered so many fun adventures.
    Saw the first bull ever spared at a Bullfight there.great restaurants , fun shopping.
    Never felt threatened but followed the rules.

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